This is an OSDCloud function that is used in WinPE to authenticate to Azure using Device Code flow. I'll explain in detail how this works
I sorted all this out while at the MMSMOA 2022 Conference on Day 2, essentially making the OSDCloud Azure session on Day 1 obsolete as SAS Tokens and Key Vault are no longer needed
Required PowerShell Modules
The following Modules are installed or updated when executing this function. This may cause an execution delay depending on the internet connection to the PSGallery Repository
Connect-AzAccount (Az.Accounts)
This is the function used to authenticate to Azure from WinPE
This parameter forces the authentication to occur on a separate device. This can be another computer, a smartphone, or even by a third party by providing them with the code (think Help Desk). The reason this is done is that the standard authentication does not work in WinPE
-Authscope Storage
If this parameter is left out, another Authentication may be required later, so since we know that we must access Azure Storage, we might as well do this now
Once you have been authenticated to Azure AD, this Azure Subscription routine is run. By default, Azure will pretty much randomly select the Azure Subscription that is used, which may not be the one you need to use for OSDCloud. This routine will determine if you have more than one Subscription and then prompt you to select the proper Subscription
$Global:AzSubscription = Get-AzSubscription
if (($Global:AzSubscription).Count -ge 2) {
$i = $null
$Results = foreach ($Item in $Global:AzSubscription) {
$ObjectProperties = @{
Number = $i
Name = $Item.Name
Id = $Item.Id
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
$Results | Select-Object -Property Number, Name, Id | Format-Table | Out-Host
do {
$SelectReadHost = Read-Host -Prompt "Select an Azure Subscription by Number"
until (((($SelectReadHost -ge 0) -and ($SelectReadHost -in $Results.Number))))
$Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq $SelectReadHost}
$Global:AzContext = Set-AzContext -Subscription $Results.Id
else {
$Global:AzContext = Get-AzContext
Additionally the following Global Variables are created for this PowerShell session
Once you have successfully connected to Azure (by way of having an Azure Context), the following informational routine will take place. This will primarily set some more Global Variables so you can easily access them
If there is a failure in this routine, it is because the value for your Azure Subscription will be empty. This typically means that you do not have access to any Azure Resources. Go back to OSDCloud Azure Setup and give your user access to Azure Storage and this will sort itself out. If you ping me and ask about this error, I will simply ignore it. It's documented here, and in the Warning message. there is no need for a third opinion.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green 'Connected to Azure'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "========================================================================="
$Global:AzAccount = $Global:AzContext.Account
$Global:AzEnvironment = $Global:AzContext.Environment
$Global:AzTenantId = $Global:AzContext.Tenant
$Global:AzSubscription = $Global:AzContext.Subscription
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan '$Global:AzAccount: ' $Global:AzAccount
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan '$Global:AzEnvironment: ' $Global:AzEnvironment
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan '$Global:AzTenantId: ' $Global:AzTenantId
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan '$Global:AzSubscription: ' $Global:AzSubscription
if ($null -eq $Global:AzContext.Subscription) {
Write-Warning 'You do not have access to an Azure Subscriptions'
Write-Warning 'This is likely due to not having rights to Azure Resources or Azure Storage'
Write-Warning 'Contact your Azure administrator to resolve this issue'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray 'Azure Context: $Global:AzContext'
Access Tokens and Headers
This is probably the most fun you will see while reading this. Since we are authenticated to Azure, this routine will automatically get the Azure Access Tokens and create Headers automatically as Global Variables. These can be used for HTTP RestMethod requests (which will be released later)
Hopefully this gives you some insight on how the connection to Azure is done in WinPE. There are lots of moving parts, but it should support connecting to more than just Azure Storage