For this demo, I decided to create a new OSDCloud Workspace for testing. You can use your existing OSDCloud Workspace, but it's easier if I start clean. Here's the script that I used
#Set my working OSDCloud Template
Set-OSDCloudTemplate -Name 'WinPE KB5026372'
#Create my new OSDCloud Workspace
New-OSDCloudWorkspace -WorkspacePath D:\Demo\OSDCloud\Automate
#Cleanup Languages
$KeepTheseDirs = @('boot','efi','en-us','sources','fonts','resources')
Get-ChildItem "$(Get-OSDCloudWorkspace)\Media" | Where {$_.PSIsContainer} | Where {$_.Name -notin $KeepTheseDirs} | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
Get-ChildItem "$(Get-OSDCloudWorkspace)\Media\Boot" | Where {$_.PSIsContainer} | Where {$_.Name -notin $KeepTheseDirs} | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
Get-ChildItem "$(Get-OSDCloudWorkspace)\Media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot" | Where {$_.PSIsContainer} | Where {$_.Name -notin $KeepTheseDirs} | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
#Build WinPE to start OSDCloudGUI automatically
Edit-OSDCloudWinPE -UseDefaultWallpaper -StartOSDCloudGUI
Automate Paths
OSDCloud Automate looks for content in the following relative path by scanning all drives. It does not include C:\
Understanding that requirement, there are two places that I can use this in my OSDCloud Workspace
#Content will be on the ISO or USB Boot Partition
#Ideal for Virtual Machine testing
#Content will be on the USB Drive
#Ideal for Physical Machine testing
A third option would be to mount my WinPE and add an OSDCloud\Automate directory so it resolves to X:\OSDCloud\Automate. This would be ideal for WDS, but that solution isn't covered in this guide
Finally, keep in mind that if you plan on having large Provisioning Packages, your WinPE Boot Partition on a USB may not be large enough for the PPKG file. Got it?