MDT OSDCloud DriverPacks
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This is a concept that is taken from the way OSDCloud downloads DriverPacks during the deployment in WinPE, rather than a traditional MDT Total Control or Modern Driver Management. Implementing this requires no infrastructure other than open Internet access. By implementing this concept, your MDT infrastructure will fully support 724 different Computer Models from Dell, HP , and Lenovo
This process is currently in Development with the following items needing to be resolved
This function writes to a Transcript in C:\Drivers and will need to be expanded to logging in the BDD.log. Reach out to me if you want to work on this
Support for a Proxy has not been implemented yet, but is planned. Reach out to me if you would like to contribute
This has not been tested in Configuration Manager at this time
PowerShell support is required for this to work, so at a minimum, you need to make sure that PowerShell is fully functional in WinPE
This is absolutely required for downloading the DriverPack. If it is not in your WinPE, it will be sourced from your Offline OS. If it is not in the OfflineOS, then it will exit out
In simple terms, if you are deploying an old OS that does not have $SystemRoot\System32\Curl.exe and you did not inject Curl.exe into WinPE at $MountDirectory\SystemRoot\System32\Curl.exe then you will not be able to download a DriverPack
The OSD Module will need to be added to your MDT Boot Image. This is best handled by making sure your computer has the latest OSD Module and running the following commands
After making sure you have added the OSD PowerShell Module to your LiteTouchPE_x64.wim you will need to Update your Deployment Share
Make sure you do not completely regenerate your boot images
You are good to go as long it uses the OSD enabled LiteTouchPE_x64.wim. If it pulls a new wim from the ADK, then let that complete, and add the OSD PowerShell Module to the LiteTouchPE_x64.wim and repeat this process.
This step is not completely necessary if you plan on just editing an individual Task Sequence Unattend.xml
Edit the following file and add the XML snippet. This is what expands the DriverPack in the Specialize Phase
You will need to add a Run Command Line step in your Postinstall group with the following configuration. I strongly recommend to Continue on error
Command line:
Start in:
Similar to the process detailed in the Unattend.xml Template section earlier, if you have an existing Task Sequence, you will need to edit the Unattend.xml file located in the following path
Add this snipped to your specialize settings pass. Make sure that the Order Number is unique and next in line to the previous RunSynchronousCommand
This is the function that gets the OSDCloud Driver Pack and stages it in $OSDisk\Drivers. It handles both a Copy if it exists in the DeploymentShare, or a Download if it does not. The following is a brief summary of the actions
Connects to the MDT Task Sequence Environment (TSEnv)
Copies the OSD PowerShell Module from WinPE to the Offline OS
Identifies the required DriverPack using Get-MyDriverPack
Determines if the DriverPack is in $DeployRoot\DriverPacks
True: Copy the DriverPack to $OSDisk\Drivers
Checks for curl.exe in WinPE
False: Copy from $OSDisk\Windows\System32
Downloads the DriverPack to $OSDisk\Drivers
During the Specialize phase, this function will scan all files in the root of C:\Drivers and expand them (if it can). If it expands the DriverPack, it will also apply them to the Offline OS